Tomer en Elias
Short Film
Country: Netherlands
Genre: Drama
Sven and his brother Alex form a very close-knit pair, in a family which - apart from the baby - seems to consist of duos. When two boys, Tomer and Elias, who are about Sven's age, move in next door, Sven begins to see the possibility of making friends with Tomer, who is in the same class as himself. But Alex is determined to keep Sven by his side, using the same methods his parents use to stay together...
- Based on the 2015 short story of the same name by Dutch author Maartje Wortel (b. 1982)
Reviews and Other Resources
- English
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- Noah de Kruijf
(Sven) - Mingus Claessen
(Alex) - Catalijn Willemsen
- Thomas Bijsterbosch
- Joost Huisman
(Tomer) - Kagiso Kasper
(Elias) - Daniëlle van de Ven
- Joep Spruijt
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

An intriguing look at a close fraternal relationship. Mingus Claessen is such a charismatic young actor, I find myself wishing he'd starred in more films than just this one.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 27th March 2022
Page Added: 12th September 2018
Page Views: 13054
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