Into the Labyrinth
TV Series
Country: UK
Three children, Phil (Simon Beal, who was later to act under the stage name of Charlie Caine), Terry (Simon Henderson) and Helen, stumble upon imprisoned sorcerer Rothgo, who will die without the Nidus, a magical object of limitless power. The Nidus belonged to Rothgo before being stolen by the evil sorceress Belor, who sent it through time and space so that Rothgo would not be able to find it. Rothgo sends the children through different periods of time to search for the Nidus, which is disguised as a different object in each time period and can only be seen in reflection. Each epoch into which they are sent contains an earlier version of both Rothgo and Belor, and the latter repeatedly hurls the Nidus through time just as the children are about to retrieve it. Can the children ultimately outwit Belor and return the Nidus to Rothgo before he dies? In the third Season, Phil alone returns to assist a new sorcerer, Lazlo, who must retrieve a magical object called the Scarabeus, whose properties are remarkably similar to those of the Nidus.
- Shown in three seasons, each comprising 7 episodes, with each episode approximately 25 minutes in length
- Simon Beal
(Phil) - Simon Henderson
(Terry - Seasons 1-2) - Lisa Turner
(Helen - Seasons 1-2) - Ron Moody
(Rothgo - Seasons 1-2) - Pamela Salem
(Belor) - Chris Harris
(Lazlo - Season 3)
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Page Last Modified: 19th June 2021
Page Added: 7th September 2018
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First season decent, second and third less so.
My Movie Rating: 7 / 10