Jonny Briggs
TV Series
Country: UK
Genre: Children's, Drama
The everyday life of young boy Jonny Briggs (Richard Holian), his pet dog Razzle, his eccentric family, and his class at school where Jonny has to confront the terrible twins, Jinny and Josie.
- Based on the Jonny Briggs series of books by British authoress Joan Eadington (b. 1926)
- The theme music for this series ("The Acrobat", composed by J. A. Greenwood, 1876-1953) was performed by trombonist Colin Buchanan.
- Richard Holian
(Jonny Briggs) - Jeremy Austin [ALUMNUS]
(Humphrey) - Tommy Robinson
(Albert) - Jane Lowe
(Mam) - Leslie Schofield
(Dad) - Sue Devaney
(Rita) - Fizzy the Dog
(Razzle) - Alex Moran
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Page Last Modified: 24th June 2019
Page Added: 6th June 2018
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It certainly grows on you. I like Albert, Jonny's gracefully lank eldest brother.
My Movie Rating: 7 / 10