Marty: A Wild West Neverland
Short Film
Country: USA
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Short, Western
In a vast, desert world of 1853 inhabited solely by children, the Krimson Kids, led by One-Eyed Johnny (Jonah Hwang), are on the rampage, enslaving innocent children whilst searching for sugarcoated riches across Cavity County. One day, they cross paths with Marty (Reid Miller), kidnapping his love, Dee. Marty decides to rescue her as well as all the other captive children of the West. But can this one-boy-army defeat Johnny and his ruthless gang?
- This film won the Best Action/Thriller award at the 2016 Los Angeles Independent Film festival, and the award for Best Short at the 2016 Wild Bunch Film Festival. At the latter festival, Reid Miller won the award for Best Child Actor for his role in this film.
- This short film (approximately 18 minutes) is available to view on Vimeo and on YouTube.
- For more information, visit the official website at
- Reid Miller [ALUMNUS]
- Jonah Hwang
(One-Eyed Johnny) - Shae Smolik
(Dee) - Alexa Schmidt
(Town Citizen) - Amber Patino
(Town Citizen/Bartender) - Amber Rei
(Town Citizen) - Andrew Gomez
(Krimson Kid) - Avery Franklin Davis
(Krimson Kid) - Caitland Woolsey
(Town Citizen) - Christian Prantle
(Town Citizen) - Dylan Romero
(Town Citizen) - David Workman
(Krimson Kid Fighter) - Elisha Prantle
(Town Citizen/Krimson Kid) - Harmony Alvarado
(Town Citizen) - Jamie Timmons
(Johnny's Girlfriend) - Jason Nadler
(Gus) - Jaxon Smolik
(Dusty) - Joaquin Huizar
(Town Store Owner) - John Kyle Ganotisi
(Town Citizen) - Johnathan Woolsey
(Town Citizen/Krimson Kid) - Josiah Prantle
(Town Citizen) - Julian Romero
(Krimson Kid/Blacksmith) - Kate Lee Riddle
(Town Citizen) - Maxwell Gigante
(Town Citizen/Krimson Kid) - Ruby Lightfoot
(Town Citizen) - Shay Backe
(Town Citizen) - Siaki Sii
(Krimson Kid) - Tehya Prantle
(Town Citizen)
BoyActors Reviews
1 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Page Last Modified: 7th September 2020
Page Added: 8th May 2018
Page Views: 3461
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