The Wilderness
Short Film
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
A young boy living with his mother and a violent, abusive man makes a gruesome discovery in the wilderness surrounding his home.
- This short film (approximately 6 minutes) is available to view on Vimeo.
- Cody Sullivan
(Alex) - Gloria Gruber
- Josh Drennen
- Elijah Rock
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first
There's absolutely no subtlety or nuance in the portrayal of the stepfather (or whomever he's supposed to be) - who is just a grotesque - and thus no real sense of conflict at the denouement - we're just thinking 'For Heaven's sake, get on with it, kid, so this film can end' (which he obligingly does). Lazy, unimaginative story writing. The camerawork and cinematography are good, and Cody is fine as Alex, but this can hardly make up for a narrative that is scarcely worth the telling.
My Movie Rating: 3 / 10Page Last Modified: 25th March 2022
Page Added: 31st March 2018
Page Views: 3019
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