El último verano de la Boyita
Country: Argentina
Genre: Drama
Two youngsters struggle in their own ways with the onset of adolescence. Young Jorgelina has spent most of her summers travelling with her family, but she's become disgusted with the changes in her big sister's attitude and appearance, and doesn't want to spend another holiday with her. As a result, she is sent instead to a cattle ranch, where she becomes fascinated with a young boy named Mario. Mario works with the cattle hands, but he's a quiet youngster who keeps to himself and initially resists Jorgelina's offers of friendship. In time, the two get to know one another, and Mario shares a secret with her - he's been raised as a boy, but he appears to have the sex organs of both a male and a female, and he's not sure what he is and what he should do about it.
- Winner of multiple awards, including: the Golden India Catalina Awards for Best Film and Best Cinematography at the Cartagena Film Festival (2010), the Feature Film Trophy for Best Film at the Cine Cear? - National Cinema Festival in Fortaleza, Brazil (2010), the Silver Crow Pheasant award for Best Director at the Kerala International Film Festival (2010), and the Special Jury Award at the Sofia International Film Festival (2010).
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Page Last Modified: 25th March 2022
Page Added: 13th December 2017
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Nicolas Treise is super in this film in spite of the problem he is having.