Two of Us
TV Movie
Country: UK
Genre: Coming of Age, Drama, Romance
Matthew (Jason Rush), who has just left school, is handsome and athletic, and believes himself to be gay. He retains a friendship with only one school friend, Phil (Lee Whitlock), who has stuck by Matthew despite hostile reactions from his peers. As their relationship grows more intense, Phil's girlfriend Sharon and his classmates become vindictive and aggressive. The two friends find themselves ostracised by both friends and family and decide to run away.
- Commissioned by the BBC for 'Scene', the long running anthology series of films for schools and sixth form colleges, the BBC, in response to tabloid outrage, broadcast the film very late in the evening schedule (on 25 March 1988), and with an alternate ending. In the ending to the broadcast version the viewer is made to think that Phil leaves Matthew and goes back to his girlfriend - thus choosing heterosexuality! (Subsequent releases on VHS and DVD have restored the original ending.)
- Lee Whitlock [ALUMNUS]
- Jason Rush
(Matthew) - Jenny Jay
(Sharon) - Zoë Nathenson
(Suzie) - Kathy Burke
(Vera) - James McKenna
(Teacher) - Judy Gridley
(Phil's Mother) - John Judd
(Matthew's Father)
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Page Last Modified: 17th April 2021
Page Added: 7th December 2017
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Wonderful little movie, much more thoughtful, daring and progressive than most later gay-youth-themed fare.
My Movie Rating: 9 / 10