Safe Haven
Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Thriller
Katie Feldman moves to a small town on the North Carolina coast, determined to make a new life for herself. She takes a job as a waitress and keeps a low profile, but is soon won over by the warmth and caring of the close-knit community, especially that of widower Alex Wheatley. With the help of Alex and his two children, Josh (Noah Lomax) and Lexie, Katie learns to love and trust again - but when a mysterious stranger arrives and starts asking questions, Katie's dark past threatens to reclaim her...
- Josh Duhamel
(Alex Wheatley) - Julianne Hough
(Katie Feldman) - Cobie Smulders
(Jo) - David Lyons
(Detective Kevin Tierney) - Mimi Kirkland
(Lexie Wheatley) - Noah Lomax
(Josh Wheatley) - Irene Ziegler
(Mrs. Feldman) - Robin Mullins
(Maddie) - Red West
(Roger) - Juan Piedrahita
(Jr. Detective Ramirez) - Cullen Moss
(Deputy Bass) - Mike Pniewski
(Lieutenant Robinson) - Dyer Scott Lumpkin
(Boston Bus Kid)
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 9th November 2017
Page Added: 9th November 2017
Page Views: 5078
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