That Eye the Sky
Country: Australia
Genre: Drama
12 year old Ort lives with his mother and his sister in the Australian outback. The three of them also have to take care of their old grandma and their paralysed father. One day a mysterious stranger comes to their isolated house to help them...
- Jamie Croft
(Morton 'Ort' Flack) - Peter Coyote
- Lisa Harrow
- Amanda Douge
- Mark Fairall
- Alethea McGrath
- Jeremy Dridan
(Fat Cherry)
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (5.20 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
Jamie Croft is a very good actor
My Movie Rating: 5 / 10Jamie Croft is the only reason to watch this movie.
My Movie Rating: 5 / 10A pretty odd little movie with quirky religious overtones. The talented Jamie Croft was the best young Aussi actor of the early to mid ninties and is worth watching. His performance won him the AFI Young Actors award.
My Movie Rating: 6 / 10Page Last Modified: 20th April 2022
Page Added: 16th August 2001
Page Views: 13821
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