Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog
Country: USA
Genre: Family Adventure
Teenager Angus adopts a stray dog and names him Yellow. Several days later, while travelling along the coast of British Columbia with Angus's father, John, the boy and dog become stranded when turbulent waters capsize their boat. Angus's parents relentlessly badger rescue teams. Angus, schooled by his father in wilderness survival skills, and assisted by the intelligent Yellow Dog, tries to attract rescuers.

- Jesse Bradford
(Angus McCormick) - Mimi Rogers
- Bruce Davison
- Joel Palmer
(Silas McCormick) - Tom Bower
- Josh Wannamaker
BoyActors Reviews
7 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A let down as far as I was concerned. Angus was robotic and the other cast members acted like they where reading their lines from the script. The only time Angus seemed natural was when he was acting surly like a real teenager. Then he wasn't acting. His performance in the woods was O.K.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 20th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 8544
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