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O psyllos

AKA: The Flea

Country: Greece

Genre: Family Drama



The "Flea" is a handwritten little newspaper written, edited and published by Ilias, a determined twelve year-old schoolboy who lives in a remote village in the mountains near ancient Olympia. His efforts go largely unappreciated by his elders, who tease him and nickname him "The Flea", and his concerned parents are convinced his preoccupation with his newspaper will distract him from more serious studies and forbid him to continue it. Ilias' only allies are a quixotic eccentric and a sensitive schoolgirl. The villagers' scoffing at Ilias' ambitions changes to admiration when an Athenian journalist shows up to do a story on Ilias. He becomes disheartened, however when he realizes much of their enthusiasm stems from hopes for increased tourism spurred by his fame and he distrusts the journalist's motives as well.

Picture for O psyllos


  • Pantelis Trivizas
  • Vasilis Kolovos
  • Dimitra Hatoupi
  • Amalia Giza
  • Kostoula Tsellou

Page Last Modified: 5th June 2016
Page Added: 5th June 2016

Page Views: 2630

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