Country: Ukraine
Kolya Shevchenko is a young trumpeter in a children's brass orchestra. He plays brilliantly plays, but when he tries to write his own music, he attracts attention of a famous band's frontman. On the way to success some "problems of adult life" happen: envy, rivalry, intrigues. But friendship, mutual help and love help to overcome everything and win.

- Leonid Shevchenko
(Kolya) - Polina Tarasenko
- Nonna Grishaeva
- Vladimir Goryanskiy
- Aleksey Gorbunov
- Denis Kapustin
(Vitalik Kolodin) - Andrei Khromtchenko
- Nikolai Mateshko
- Roman Debrin
- Nikita Chayevsky
Page Last Modified: 13th April 2016
Page Added: 13th April 2016
Page Views: 2960
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