The President
Country: Georgia
Genre: Drama
The President and his family rule their land with an iron fist, enjoying lives of luxury and leisure at the expense of their population's misery. When a coup d'?tat overthrows his brutal rule and the rest of his family flees the country by plane, The President is suddenly left to care for his young grandson and forced to escape. Now the country?s most wanted fugitive with a bounty on his head, The President begins a perilous journey with the boy, criss-crossing the country to reach the sea where a ship waits to bring them to safety. Posing as street musicians and traveling together with the people who suffered for years under the dictatorship, the fallen President and the innocent child will be exposed firsthand to the hardships that inspired unanimous hatred for the regime.

- Mikheil Gomiashvili
(President) - Dachi Orvelashvili
(Grandson) - Guja Burduli
(Political Prisoner - Singer) - Ia Sukhitashvili
(Prostitute) - Zura Begalishvili
(Barber) - Lazare Kervalishvili
(Barber's Son) - Lasha Ramishshvili
(Guard) - Soso Khvedelidze
(Political Prisoner - Lover) - Dato Beshitaishvili
(Political Prisoner - Forgiver) - Luka Akhvlediani
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Brilliant performance by Dachi Orvelashvili

Page Last Modified: 9th April 2019
Page Added: 13th September 2015
Page Views: 3782
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