Country: USA
A deadly spider from the Venezuelan rain forest is accidentally transported back to the USA. Through numerous coincidences and accidents, the spider ends up settling down in a doctor's barn. After mating with a local spider, thousands of little spiders run rampant in the small town. This wouldn't be too much of a problem, except that these aren't ordinary spiders, they're killers. The local pest exterminator tries to help, but.... So it's up to the doctor (who suffers from arachnophobia) to save the town.

- Jeff Daniels
- Marley Jane Kozak
- John Goodman
- Julian Sands
- Garette Ratliff Henson
(Tommy Jennings)
BoyActors Reviews
8 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I agree with YoungArthur, Great movie!

Tough to watch for those who have a spider phobia (as the title already suggests). It was definitely interesting, also with the right amount of suspense and creepy scenes. Jeff Daniels and John Goodman deliver solid performanes. A nice movie indeed.
My Movie Rating:

I can't even explain how bad this movie creeped me out. I hate spiders, and movies about swarms of spiders is something I don't normally do, but watched this film all the way through...That's gotta say something about it's merits.
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Page Last Modified: 16th July 2003
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 8426
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