Escape to Witch Mountain
Country: USA
Genre: Fantasy
Tia and Tony are two orphaned youngsters with extraordinary powers. Lucas Deranian poses as their uncle in order to get the kids into the clutches of Deranian's megalomaniacal boss, evil millionaire Aristotle Bolt, who wants to exploit them. Jason, a cynical widower, helps Tia and Tony "escape to witch mountain," while at the same time Tia and Tony help Jason escape the pain of the loss of his wife.
- Followed by a sequel Return from Witch Mountain (1978)

- Ike Eisenmann
(Tony) - Kim Richards
- Eddie Albert
- Ray Milland
- Donald Pleasence
- Walter Barnes
- Dermott Downs
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One of the best films ever

Ike is wonderful, so cute! he and Kim look like they could have been brother and sister!
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Page Last Modified: 19th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 8394
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