Emil und die Detektive
Country: Germany
Genre: Family Adventure
Emil goes to visit his grandma in Berlin and is given 140 marks by his mother for her. On the train to Berlin the money is stolen by a man with a stiff hat while Emil sleeps. Arriving in Berlin he tries to follow the thief and receives help from a well organized and nice "gang" of Berlin street "detectives" his age.
- Rolf Wenkhaus
(Emil Tischbein) - Fritz Rasp
- Inge Landgut
- Hans Joachim Schaufuß
(Gustav) - Hans Richter
(Fliegender Hirsch) - Hans Löhr
(Dienstag) - Ernst-Eberhard Reling
(Gerold) - Waldemar Kupczyk
(Mittenzwei) - Martin Baumann
- Hubert Schmitz
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first
A classic of early children's cinema. Benjamin Britten, who wrote a lot of wonderful music for boys' voices, said that this was "the most perfect and satisfying" film he had ever seen.
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10Page Last Modified: 13th December 2015
Page Added: 29th October 2013
Page Views: 3977
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