The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
A 10-year-old boy, T.S. Spivet (Kyle Catlett), who lives on a ranch in Montana with his cowboy father and scientist mother, clandestinely sets out on a freight train to reach Washington D.C. where he is to pick up a prize he's been awarded by the Smithsonian Institute for his invention of a perpetual motion machine.
- Winner of the award for Best Cinematography at the 39th C?sar Awards (2014)

- Helena Bonham-Carter
- Judy Davis
- Callum Keith Rennie
- Kyle Catlett
(T.S. Spivet) - Niamh Wilson
- Jakob Davies
(Layton) - Dylan Kingwell
(Young Boy)
BoyActors Reviews
9 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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An unusual approach to movie storytelling, a bit "wonky" as JosephK says, but it draws you in and is very touching.
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Not sure why the country listed is France, since it's all in English and was shot almost entirely in Canada. Anyway, it's a cute movie with a cute boy in it. The story is a bit wonky at times, but it still made me cry.
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Page Last Modified: 22nd November 2017
Page Added: 16th October 2013
Page Views: 10497
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