Sumairu seiya no kiseki
AKA: Smile
Country: Japan
The story revolves around Sano, a tap dancer who has never played hockey before, coaching a rag tag group of children ice hockey players called the Smilers to win the approval of his girlfriend?s father. You see, the father owns a hockey rink and needs a coach for the hockey team. So he agrees, that if Sano can coach the hockey team to victory, he will allow the couple to get married.
- Mirai Moriyama
- Rosa Katô
- Yoshiko Tanaka
- Tomoki Watanuki
(#73) - Shogo Shimizu
(#4) - Suzuki Takaya
(#5) - Yoshioka Daiki
(#7) - Chinatsu Eguchi
- Satoshi Suzuki
(#77) - Wada Shinnosuke
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Page Last Modified: 12th October 2013
Page Added: 12th October 2013
Page Views: 2652
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