A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
The film covers several months in the life of the Nolans, an Irish American family living in the Williamsburg neighborhood in the borough of Brooklyn in 1912. A hard-working mother who scrubs the floors of her tenement building and collects rags for sale to a scrap fabric dealer to help feed her family. An alcoholic father who is a happy man but is unable to earn a living to support his family and their two children, 13 year old Francie and 12 year old Neeley.
- Dorothy McGuire
- Joan Blondell
- James Dunn
- Peggy Ann Garner
- Ted Donaldson
(Neeley Nolan) - Lloyd Nolan
- James Gleason
- Vincent Graeff
(Henny Gaddis) - Teddy Infuhr
(Boy in Soda Fountain) - Mickey Kuhn
(Boy at Christmas Tree Throw) - Gerlad Mackey
(Raider) - Mickey McGuire
(Raider) - Paul Hilton [ALUMNUS]
- William Smith
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Page Last Modified: 18th April 2024
Page Added: 5th October 2013
Page Views: 4541
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