Uroki garmonii
AKA: Harmony Lessons
Country: Kazakhstan
Genre: Drama
A small village on the lonely steppes of rural Kazakhstan. Bolat and his gang rule the village?s main school, a microcosm of Kazakh society. Aslan, a 13 year old living with his grandmother, is a meticulous and successful science student but very terse in his communication. Through the daily schoolyard routine of taunts and humiliations that Aslan faces, Bolat is revealed to be part of a hierarchy led by seasoned criminals raising cash for those in prison. Aslan, silently suffering, methodically prepares his revenge.

- Timur Aidarbekov
(Aslan) - Aslan Anarbayev
(Bolat) - Mukhtar Andassov
- Anelya Adilbekova
- Omar Adilov
(Madi) - Nursultan Nurbergenov
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

An accomplished film that leaves an impression, though in my view it's not as good as the marvellous Nagima.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 23rd August 2015
Page Added: 20th June 2013
Page Views: 4218
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