Dark Skies
Country: USA
Genre: Horror
As the Barrett family's peaceful suburban life is rocked by an escalating series of disturbing events, they come to learn that a terrifying and deadly force is after them.

- Keri Russell
- Josh Hamilton
- Dakota Goyo
(Jesse Barrett) - Kadan Rockett
(Sam Barrett) - J.K. Simmons
- L.J. Benet
(Kevin Ratner) - Jake Brennan
(Bobby Jessop)
BoyActors Reviews
11 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I know my tastes often run contrary to other users on this site, but this one is a complete mystery. I don't understand the high ratings at all. Everyone in this movie behaves like a complete idiot and it's infuriating. I'm not going to list the things wrong with how the characters behave here, because that would just be pointless.
In spite of how often I thought the movie was, the boys both do a good job acting and they have lots of time onscreen, so I would say it's worth checking out. I would have given this a much lower rating were it not for them.
My Movie Rating:

I give it a "must watch" because the ending made me jump up and pace up and down in front of the TV in nervous anticipation... excellent mixture of suspense and mystery... excellent boys as well, Dakota surely knows how to do it

Page Last Modified: 31st May 2013
Page Added: 11th May 2013
Page Views: 14679
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