Los amantes del Círculo Polar
AKA: Lovers of the Arctic Circle
Country: Spain
Genre: Drama
Otto and Ana are kids when they meet each other. Their names are palindromes. They meet by chance, people are related by chance. A story of circular lives, with circular names, and a circular place (C?rculo Polar) where the day never ends in the midnight sun. There are things that never end, and Love is one of them.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Najwa Nimri
- Fele Martinez
- Nancho Novo
- Maru Valdivielso
- Peru Medem
(Child Otto) - Victor Hugo Oliveira
(Teenage Otto)
BoyActors Reviews
8 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Lovely poetic film. Peru Medem is the son of the director, Julio Medem.
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An unusual love story told in a convoluted way that did not appeal to me, despite some attractive scenes including those involving Peru Medem.
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Page Last Modified: 5th June 2010
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 21024
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