Almost Angels
Country: USA
Genre: Family
A working-class Austrian boy joins the Vienna Choirboys, where he proves to be unusually talented. He arouses the jealousy of Peter, the head chorister, by singing a solo which Peter had long sung himself. The fact is that Peter's voice is breaking, and with a broken voice often comes a broken heart. But, encouraged by the director and all the boys, Peter begins to develop in a new role as composer and conductor.

- Sean Scully
(Peter) - Vincent Winter
(Tony) - Denis Gilmore
(Friedel) - Hennie Scott
(Ferdie) - Bernard Hindinger
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What Virathius said!
My Movie Rating:

Pretty children singing pretty songs amidst the pretty Austrian countryside. Rather like the Sound of Music. All right if you want to relax and don't feel like dealing with too much of a plot.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 11th March 2024
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 18030
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