Country: Lithuania
Genre: Drama
Soviet eighties. After his parents' divorce, 11-year-old Rolanas and his dad move in next door to same-aged Emilija. Friendship is born between the kids, however, shyness or fear of opening up makes them communicate through the wall, sitting in their own balconies, or through a socket connecting their flats. Unfortunately, a nearly tragic accident prevents Emilija to go to the balcony. This encourages both children to set out for a "real" date.

- Karolis Savickis
(Rolanas) - Elzbieta Degutyte
- Rolandas Kazlas
- Saule Rasimaite
- Viktorija Kuodyte
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Page Last Modified: 12th September 2012
Page Added: 9th September 2012
Page Views: 6219
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Lovely medium-length film, nicely shot, and layered beneath a charmingly straightforward surface. Great to see a Lithuanian film as it's not a big cinematic nation -- in fact the only other Lithuanian film I have seen is 2015's The Summer of Sangailė, which is also good.