Country: USA
Genre: Family
The Turner family has fallen on hard times. Matt and Jennifer's mother died, and their dad, Steve, has remarried. Matt has trouble accepting his stepmom. Steve is a contractor, out of work, who moves to Virginia with the promise of a job. Matt hates the hamlet of Franklin Falls, where they move. Still, the Turner family is living on a magnificent property, although the old farmhouse needs some work. And slowly, under the influence of the landscape, rural values and with Lassie's patience, they all begin to flourish...

- Thomas Guiry
(Matthew Turner) - Helen Slater
- Jon Tenney
- Frederic Forrest
- Charlie Hofheimer
(Jim Garland) - Clayton Barclay Jones
(Josh Garland)
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Page Last Modified: 25th April 2016
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 9809
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