A Bag of Hammers
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family Drama
A comedy about two misfit best friends incapable of growing up, whose direction is tested by an abandoned child, worn beyond his years; together they invent the family they've always needed.
- Jason Ritter
- Jake Sandvig
- Chandler Canterbury
(Kelsey) - Rebecca Hall
- Carrie Preston
- Jordan Green
(Scott Owen)
BoyActors Reviews
7 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (6.14 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
Chandler Canterbury does a great job, playing a very troubled character. The families seem very avant-garde and real. Worth viewing.
My Movie Rating: 7 / 10Being the Son of the late John Ritter, I'm not surprised Jason Ritter did such a good job in this movie, he and Chandler played well off each other, I wanted to shoot that so called Mother of Kelsey's! I just can't see how a Mother can be so cold and uncaring for her child, I aplauded when she OFFed herself! Don't get me wrong, I loved the Actresses performance! see, when an actor plays the "Bad Guy" in the film, I judge their performance by how much they made me hate them! because the bad guy is supposed to make you hate them! If your a Chandler Canterbury Fan, then this movie is a must see!
My Movie Rating: 7 / 10Page Last Modified: 26th August 2015
Page Added: 20th June 2012
Page Views: 12488
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