Los Pianos mecánicos
AKA: Les Pianos mécaniques
Country: Spain
Genre: Drama
Vincent, a young man from Paris, arrives at the small Spanish village of Caldea. where his has been loaned a home by his friend, Reginald. He meets Pascal Regnier, a novelist engaged in pursuits of drinking and love affairs, who spends his summers in Caldea with his son, Daniel. Regnier introduces Vincent to Jenny, local nightclub owner, who has already received a wire from Reginald asking her to look after his friend. Vincent and Jenny fall in love and plan a trip to Barcelona together, a trip they take in spite of Reginald's arrival. But the admission of the failure they have made of their lives leads to their separation. How their love ends will affect the destiny of many others.
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Page Last Modified: 25th August 2013
Page Added: 29th April 2012
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Didier Haudepin acts wonderfully as usual.
My Movie Rating: