Country: USA
Genre: Drama
13-year old Henry Matthews struggles with life after his reservist father is deployed to Afghanistan. With the help of a local pastor, the boy decides to take part in a local singing contest.
- Uriah Shelton
(Henry Matthews) - Dash Mihok
- Nicki Aycox
- Ruben Studdard
- Trace Adkins
BoyActors Reviews
8 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Most recent review listed first
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10I have waited 2 years to see this wonderful movie! I'm sure when it was in theaters, there wasn't a dry eye in the house! this movie will defininately tug at the heart strings! there is a bit of a shocker! I discovered Uriah on youtube one day while I was surfing that site, He's a beautiful and very talented boy!
at the end of the movie, a dedication is ahead of the ending credits, that pays tribute to our Men and Women serving in the armed forces, I think some of that tribute should go to the children of those heros too! because they sacrifice too when a parent goes off to serve their country!
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10Page Last Modified: 4th October 2013
Page Added: 28th April 2012
Page Views: 5588
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Really touching. Superior acting from the kid.
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10