I Know My First Name Is Steven
TV Movie
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
7-year old Steven Stayner is kidnapped a few days before Christmas by Reverend Kenneth Parnell. Under the belief that Parnell has been given legal custody of him, and that his family has moved away, he stays with Parnell for seven years, enduring repetitive sexual abuse the entire time. Finally, at fourteen, he returns home to his family.

- Cindy Pickett
- John Ashton
- Corin Nemec
- Luke Edwards
(Steven Stayner Age 7) - Pruitt Taylor Vince
- Ray Walston
- Scott Curtis
(Cary Stayner Age 11) - Billy O'Sullivan
(Victor Age 7) - Jacob Gelman
(Timmy White) - Stephen Dorff
BoyActors Reviews
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Luke is very watchable in the part of Steven, he has a very cute, and a very innocent look, your heart will go out to him for his plight. The real Steven Stayner was an adult by the time this movie was made, and a few years after, he was killed in a motorcycle crash, it was said he wanted his story told so other kids that had been abused might be brave enough to tell their's

Page Last Modified: 30th November 2010
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 17275
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An emotional movie that moves you.
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