The Happy Years
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Friends and family try to tame an unruly student at the turn of the century.

- Dean Stockwell
(Dink Stover) - Darryl Hickman [ALUMNUS]
- Scotty Beckett [ALUMNUS]
- Leon Ames
- Leo G. Carroll
- Donn Gift [ALUMNUS]
- Danny Mummert
(Butsey White) - Alan Dinehart III
(Coffee Colored Angel) - David Bair
(White Mountain Canary) - Freddie Chapman [ALUMNUS]
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

Based on Owen Johnson's Lawrenceville Stories and directed by the prolific William Wellman. A jolly, feel-good, rosy-glow kind of a story featuring both a very fine performance by Dean Stockwell and a nice treatment of many boyhood-movie tropes: fistfights and first crushes and baseball and classroom pranks...Its influence can be seen in later movies such as The Sandlot.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 1st April 2017
Page Added: 27th March 2012
Page Views: 6339
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