Jutro bedzie lepiej
AKA: Tomorrow Will Be Better
Country: Poland
Genre: Drama
Beneath the benches of a decrepit train station in Ukraine, between drunks and dog urine, you might find an adorable six-year-old named Petya. Petya, his brother Vasya, and their pal Liapa are homeless. It?s not clear where they?re from, but they have a goal. Poland is the land of their dreams, and they know that tomorrow will be better....

- Oleg Ryba
(Pietia) - Jewgienij Ryba
(Waska) - Akhmed Sardalov
(Liapa) - Stanislaw Soyka
- Kinga Walenkiewicz
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A little gem!

Page Last Modified: 29th March 2012
Page Added: 29th March 2012
Page Views: 6205
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Awesome acting by the kids, especially by the small one.