The Amazing Panda Adventure
Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
Ryan goes to China with his scientist father to a Panda reserve. The reserve is faced with a budget cut that will close them down unless they can produce a panda cub. Ryan, his father, and a local girl set out in search of a baby panda. However, when they find one, the bear is being pursued by poachers. Ryan becomes separated from his group, and he alone must guide the young panda to the safety of the reserve, with the hunters hot on his trail...
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Cute boy, awful film. That sums it up.
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I think Ryan Slater is a cute kid and the movie is cute but it's not that good. I like the whole save the pandas thing but the movie could have been better. It's worth watching to see Ryan and to check it out once but once was all I could handle. I really don't think I'd want to see it again.
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Page Last Modified: 28th February 2010
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 8147
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My high ratung went first to Ryan Slater who did extremely well in this movie and secondly to the beautiful countryside of and about Chengdu, China. Other than that I would probably be like the rest of the reviewers and give this movie a low rating.
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