Kur pazudis Elvis?
Country: Latvia
Genre: Drama
This film provides a glimpse into the daily lives of five 5th grade children. Central to the plot is a 5th grade pupil, Elvis, a good student who doesn?t turn up for classes. The teacher seems disinterested in tracking him down, dumping the task onto one of her pupils. The boy takes it on himself to tackle this problem head on. With the help of a few classmates he begins the sleuthing job, trying to piece together the puzzle of where their classmate has disappeared to.

- Emils Desainis
(Nils) - Martinš Ivanovs
(Roberts) - Matiss Kaža
(Tomass) - Margareta Cilinska
- Ieva Plavniece
- Timofejs Andrijašenko
Page Last Modified: 7th March 2012
Page Added: 7th March 2012
Page Views: 3559
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