The Six Dollar Fifty Man
Short Film
Country: New Zealand
Genre: Drama
Set in a 1970s coastal town, follow Andy, a gutsy 8 year-old boy who is forced to break out of his make-believe superhero world to deal with playground bullies.
- Oscar Vandy-Connor
(Andy) - Celine Russo-Bewick
- Nick Blake
- Carmel McGlone
- Thomas Kimber
(Max) - Sam Ahie
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 18th December 2010
Page Added: 18th December 2010
Page Views: 4256
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Very good indeed, maybe the best short film starring a boy actor I have seen. Works on several levels -- there's a touch of magical realism here, for instance. One scene, in which the boy burns the hand of his Six Million Dollar Man action figure and drops the melting plastic on some hapless woodlice, reminded me of a scene in Tony Duvert's novel When Jonathan Died in which another eight-year-old boy similarly plays about with fire and hapless worms. This film has in common with Duvert's novel a remarkably accurate, clear-eyed view of childhood.
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10