Far til fire - på japansk
Country: Denmark
Genre: Comedy
A Japanese family moves into the house next door to Per, who instantly becomes friends with Shin. When the boys skip school one day, Shin's parents blame Per, creating a split between the neighbors. Only when Per and Shin are on a school tour to the zoo and an incident calls for a heroic deed, does everything fall back into place.

- Niels Olsen
- Kasper Kesje
(Lille Per) - Kathrine Bremerskov Kaysen
- Jakob Wilhjelm Poulsen [ALUMNUS]
- Jess Ingerslev
- Miki Andersen
(Shin) - Jarl Hjulmand
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Page Last Modified: 24th January 2013
Page Added: 4th December 2010
Page Views: 5291
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