Country: Poland
Genre: Drama
When the outbreak of war in Poland in 1939 crushes 11-year-old Marek?s dream of a summer trip to Venice, he tries to escape the frightening reality into which he?s suddenly been thrown by hiding in his aunt?s basement?until it?s flooded by a violent storm. Devising a plan to distract her nephew from the horrors outside, she helps him undertake his journey after all as they construct a replica of Venice, its islands rising out of the water. Together they enter into a subterranean dream world?which begins to seem more real than the one above ground.

- Magdalena Cielecka
- Marcin Walewski
(Marek) - Agnieszka Grochowska
- Grazyna Blecka-Kolska
- Julia Kijowska
- Filip Piotrowicz
(Wiktor) - Franciszek Serwa
(Naumek) - Jan Rotowski
BoyActors Reviews
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Uneven film, but Marcin Walewski makes it a must see for this crowd.
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Well worth watching if only for Marcin Walewski as Marek. The film looks great and has some lovely music. The only thing I didn't like was the ending. It was too brief and left one thinking WTF just happened.
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Page Last Modified: 17th July 2022
Page Added: 22nd November 2010
Page Views: 12575
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