Country: UK
Genre: Drama
Glasgow, summer, 1973. Ryan, 12, drowns during a play fight with his neighbour, James. James runs home, a flat where he lives with his often-drunk da, his ma, and sisters. This coming-of-age story follows James as he tags along with the older lads; has a friendship with his quirky wee rodent-loving neighbor, Kenny; spends time with Margaret Anne, myopic, slightly older, the local sexual punching bag; and, has a moment or two of joy.

- William Eadie
(James) - Tommy Flanagan
- Mandy Matthews
- Michelle Stewart
- Lynne Ramsay Jr.
- John Miller
(Kenny) - Thomas McTaggart
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Beautiful, grim, poetic. Reminiscent of the autobiographical films of Terence Davies and Bill Douglas.

Page Last Modified: 7th July 2013
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 14531
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Just glad that my life wasn't like the lead character. A depressingly sad film about the mistakes we make and the dreams we have and how ultimately all ends in mysery even if there is a little fun and games in between.
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