The Boys Are Back
Country: Australia
Genre: Drama
When the wife of sports-writer Joe Warr dies of cancer, he takes on the responsibility of raising their 6-year-old son, and his teenage son from a previous marriage. As Joe rejects the counsel of his mother-in-law and other parents, he develops his own philosophies on parenting. Despite this, he struggles to keep his family together, while his sons are just as confused as him.

- Clive Owen
- George MacKay
(Harry Warr) - Nicholas McAnulty
(Artie Warr) - Emma Booth
- Julia Blake
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A good film depicting the ups and downs of parenting. Good acting from both boys.
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Wonderful father-son story.
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Page Last Modified: 22nd September 2010
Page Added: 22nd September 2010
Page Views: 4504
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