Mer om oss barn i Bullerbyn
AKA: More About the Children of Noisy Village
Country: Sweden
Genre: Family
The story of six children who find adventure in their home town, Noisy Village. Set before World War II, the children explore the idyllic countryside, invent wondrous games, and romp and frolic around their tiny village. A delightful tale that brings back an age of simple fun and good times.
- Sequel to Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn (1986)
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- Henrik Larsson
(Bosse) - Linda Bergström
- Crispin Dickson Wendenius
(Lasse) - Ellen Demérus
- Anna Sahlin
- Harald Lönnbro
(Olle) - Tove Edfeldt
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Page Last Modified: 24th January 2015
Page Added: 13th May 2009
Page Views: 9862
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From the beloved stories of Astrid Lindgren.
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