Sale gosse
Country: France
Genre: Drama
Martin lives in Lyon with his mother Nina. Martin is an energetic, troubled lad frequently involved in fights at school and constantly trying to run off to North Africa where he believes his father lives as a tribal warrior. He honestly believes his papa will return to them so when the beautiful Nina gets involved with other men, he refuses to accept his rather flighty mother's new lovers. The most recent is Pippo, an aimless Italian fellow. When not daydreaming about his dad, and the fabulous life that awaits him in the desert, Martin plays with his one friend, Karim, an Arab boy.
- Anouk Grinberg
- Axel Lingée
(Martin) - Alberto Gimignani
- Philippe Madala
- Ahmed Douache
(Karim) - Mohamed Benamar
(Nadir) - Damien Chareyron
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Page Last Modified: 12th July 2009
Page Added: 19th February 2009
Page Views: 5310
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