The Year of Getting to Know Us
Country: USA
Christopher Rocket is a man unable to commit to anything in his life. He returns to his hometown after his father suffers a stroke. Flashbacks show his dysfunctional boyhood: His slightly distant father, his slightly crazy mother, his slightly delinquent best-friend, and the girl who leaves him out in the rain.

- Jimmy Fallon
- Lucy Liu
- Tom Arnold
- Chase Ellison
(Young Chris) - Sharon Stone
- Tony Hale
- Connor Boyle
(Young Nickie) - Trevin Lica
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Decent movie at best.
Only watched it because I'm a Chase fan
In fact, I skipped majority of the parts where Chase wasn't involved and I'm confident that I'm not the only one who did this. But yes, I do understand the plot.
Despite this, I thought the ending was pretty touching.
Overall, if you're a Chase Ellison fan, then please do watch this movie, he was beautiful inside! If not, you might want to find some other movies to watch
My Movie Rating:

It moved so slow it seemed I was watching paint dry.
My Movie Rating:

For serious Chase Ellison fans only
My Movie Rating:

Okay, this movie wasn't completely out of this world, and Chase didn't have much to do - he was only in the frequent flashbacks... but he was beautiful wherever he was!
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 1st June 2013
Page Added: 2nd January 2009
Page Views: 12339
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