Olsenbanden Jr. Sølvgruvens hemmelighet
Country: Norway
Genre: Family Adventure
In this fourth film about the popular gang, the hunt for the vanished crown jewels leads Egon and his buddies to the town of Kongsberg and its royal mines. In Kongsberg, the intrigues are building up for Egon and his friends, as both the police and crooks arrive on the scene.
- Ola Isaac Høgåsen Mæhlen
(Egon) - Ole Martin Wølner
(Benny) - Robert Opsahl
(Kjell) - Jakob Beranek Hvattum
(Dynamitt Harry) - Maren Eikli Hjorth
- Ole Martin Synnes
(Herman) - Daniel Damvall
(Biffen) - Sindre Tveiten
(Johnny) - Jacob Vigeland
(Knut) - Thomas Stenerud
(Preben von Klem)
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Page Last Modified: 8th September 2022
Page Added: 19th August 2008
Page Views: 4673
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