Eläville ja kuolleille
AKA: For the Living and the Dead
Country: Finland
Genre: Drama
When a young boy dies in an accident, his family experiences a year of grieving. They try to look to the future in spite of their pain. But the child's mother feels his loss so deeply that the father is left to organize the family's daily routine, and the son begins to wonder if he hasn't lost his parents along with his little brother. Grief and the inability to grieve, the differences between men, women and children and their approach to bereavement, and the predominant need among friends and acquaintances to carry on "as if nothing had happened", are some of the themes explored in this film based on the experiences of a real Finnish family.

- Hannu-Pekka Björkman
- Katja Kukkola
- Johannes Paljakka
(Timo) - Risto Salmi
- Mari Rantasila
- Aarni Ahjolinna
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Page Last Modified: 12th August 2008
Page Added: 12th August 2008
Page Views: 3992
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