Roman Mysteries
TV Series
Country: UK
Genre: Children's, Family Adventure, Historical Drama, Mystery
Flavia Gemina, a Roman sea captain's daughter, Jonathan, her Jewish neighbour, Nubia, an African slave-girl, and Lupus, a mute beggar, have adventures and solve mysteries in the ancient Roman world.
- Based on the books by Caroline Lawrence
Notable Guest Appearances
- Sam Friend in episode 1.04 "The Pirates of Pompeii" 2007
- Vasil Vanchev in episode 2.05-2.06 "The Colossus of Rhodes" 2008
- Francesca Isherwood
- Eli Machover
(Jonathan ben Mordecai) - Rebekah Brookes-Murrell
- Harry Stott
(Lupus) - Stephen Mapes
- Eoin McCarthy
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 24th June 2019
Page Added: 9th July 2008
Page Views: 13821
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Okay, I've only just begun watching this, but... A Jewish father and son are invited to dine at the home of a Gentile and the host serves them sea-snails - can you imagine any behaviour more insulting to a Jewish guest?!! The main girl character in the piece I find a little irritating. She has very 21st century attitudes as well - plenty of handwringing about slaves, and wanting to treat a slave as a friend. Yeah, right. Oh, and apparently people bathe (and swim) fully clothed as well. Basically, in terms of historical verisimilitude, it's sheer nonsense. Having said that... It is entertaining, in a funny way, and Harry Stott and Eli Machover are very likable as Lupus and Jonathan respectively. Just think of it as 21st century kids in Roman togs.
My Movie Rating: 7 / 10