Country: USA
Genre: Drama
The main character (John Travolta) observes a strange light on his birthday at a bar. The following days he becomes very intellegent and puts the intellegence to good use in his community. When word gets around he becomes known as a freak and everyone wants to figure out why this happened to a car mechanic. The government also wants to get their hands on it to put it to other uses.

- John Travolta
- Kyra Sedgewick
- Forrest Whitaker
- Robert Duvall
- Richard Kiley
- Brent Spiner
- David Gallagher
(Al Pennamin) - Ashley Buccille
BoyActors Reviews
11 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Good movie! All-star cast. David Gallagher has very little screen time.
My Movie Rating:

Very good chemistry between Travolta and Whitaker, because of this movie they are very good friends to this day! I know this because I saw each one on seperate Episodes of Inside the Actors Studio, and each one reffered to the other as a good friend! David Gallagher only had a meteoker supporting roll, but he did very well, this is the 2nd film he and Travolta co-starred together in, the 1st being the 3rd of the Look Who's Talking series "Look Who's Talking Now".

Page Last Modified: 19th November 2006
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 9111
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