La Misma luna
AKA: Under the Same Moon
Country: Mexico
Genre: Drama
Carlitos is one of the countless children left behind by parents who come to the U.S. seeking a way to provide for their families. When the death of his grandmother leaves Carlitos alone, he takes his fate into his own hands and heads north across the border to find his mother. He ends up travelling with a middle-aged migrant worker named Enrique. They find their way to East L.A., but the only clue Carlitos has to his mother's whereabouts is her description of the street corner from which she has called him each Sunday for the last four years. Unaware that Rosario is only hours away from returning to Mexico to be with her son, Carlitos and Enrique desperately comb the vast unfamiliar city for a place he has seen only in his imagination.
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

I suspect there was a subliminal political message in there somewhere, but, ignoring that, I took Carlito's human story very much to heart.
(I can't believe I enjoyed a non-english speaking movie more than Zab did!)
My Movie Rating:

Story is manipulative and completely unbelievable, however Adrian Alonso's performance is very good.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 24th November 2012
Page Added: 16th March 2008
Page Views: 9359
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