Wer früher stirbt, ist länger tot
AKA: Grave Decisions
Country: Germany
You can never be too young to be a murderer. Sebastian is convinced that he killed his mother at the age of 0; she died the day he was born! Though his father tries to calm him, Sebastian is terrified by the thought of spending years in purgatory. Hoping to knock off a few years by doing good deeds, he sets out to find a wife for his dad. Soon his dad and his teacher fall in love with each other. The only problem is she's married. But since Sebastian already killed his mother, surely it'll be easy to kill a stranger...
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- Markus Krojer
(Sebastian Schneider) - Fritz Karl
- Jürgen Tonkel
- Jule Ronstedt
- Saskia Vester
- Klaus Steinbacher
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Not only extraordinary well played, and - although a bit morbid - the movie has a positive tendence and moone who saw it will be not impressed I think.
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Page Last Modified: 29th November 2008
Page Added: 24th April 2007
Page Views: 11983
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Very interesting film. Liked it.
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