Always san-chôme no yûhi
AKA: Always: Sunset on Third Street
Country: Japan
Mutsuko arrives in Tokyo to work for a large company but finds that it is only a small repair shop. The shop is within sight of the Tokyo Tower as it rises above the skyline during construction in 1958. Mutsuko bonds with the owner's young son Ippei. Also in the neighbourhood is young Junnosuke, abandoned by his mother, and left with Ryunosuke, a struggling writer who runs a candy shop. Junnosuke is an avid reader and idolizes his guardian and writes stories of his own.
- Followed by Always zoku san-chôme no yûhi (2007)

- Maki Horikita
- Hidetaka Yoshioka
- Shin'ichi Tsutsumi
- Koyuki
- Hiroko Yakushimaru
- Kazuki Koshimizu
(Ippei) - Kenta Suga
(Junnosuke) - Masaya Takahashi
- Kaga Mochimaru
BoyActors Reviews
2 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

A lot of Western audiences seem to have reacted rather negatively toward this very successful (in Japan) movie. Cries of overacting and too sentimental, even accusations of propaganda. Well I rather liked it, it has no more 'propaganda' than any typical retro American movie and the acting style and sentimentality is fairly typical of many Japanese films. Give it a try and leave your prejudices behind. Oh and the two boy actors are very appealing.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 21st December 2008
Page Added: 23rd March 2007
Page Views: 5579
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