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De wereld van Ludovic

TV Movie

AKA: Le Monde De Ludovic

Country: Belgium

Genre: Coming of Age, Drama



A coming of age, Romeo & Juliet type tale about a couple of emotionally neglected misunderstood 12 year olds from different worlds who are drawn to each other. Their sexual curiosity leads to the inevitable experimentation but they are caught red-handed by a very angry father who tries to make sure the two young "lovers" are kept apart for good. Ludovic is sent to a centre for disturbed juveniles.

Picture for De wereld van Ludovic


  • Mathias Coppens
  • Bella van Meel
  • Didier Bezace
  • Annick Christiaens
  • Peter Tuinman
  • Will van Kralingen

BoyActors Reviews

6 member reviews/ratings for this Movie

Average Rating: Blue StarBlue StarBlue StarBlue StarBlue StarBlue StarBlue StarBlue Star (8.33 / 10)

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My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 10 / 10
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A bit disjointed but the central story is really strong and moving. It's wholeheartedly on the side of the young lovers and their need to be together.

My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 8 / 10
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My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 9 / 10
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If we shoot forward about 20 years in poppy love history from an era in the 70's where they introduced us to a memorable movie called "Melody" we will reach to this movie which carries the same topic, the same story but hardly the same ending. When I first saw this movie I was surprised and lost. I saw "Melody" the first time when I was only twelve and you can imagine the impact it had on me. However, when I watched this one it didn't impress me at all. I tried to stay objective and come up with something original in the movie but every step of the way I went back to compare it with "Melody".

It isn't a bad movie, it just isn't original.

My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 5 / 10
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My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 9 / 10
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Page Last Modified: 14th April 2020
Page Added: 30th December 2006

Page Views: 25567

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