Zamri, umri, voskresni!
AKA: Freeze Die Come to Life
Country: Soviet Union
Genre: Drama
Stuck in a mining town near Vladivostok in 1947 amongst Soviet exiles and Japanese POWs (Japanese prisoners remained in Siberia for years after the war had ended), the kids have to come up with something to keep them busy. Two children, Valerka and Galla, play some peculiar, very dangerous games of their own amid the man-made wasteland of Suchan.
- Writer/director Vitali Kanevsky won the Golden Camera award at the 1990 Cannes Film Festival for this film.
- This film had a sequel, also written and directed by Vitali Kanevsky: Samostoyatelnaya zhizn (1992).
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I really love the mood of both this film, and its sequel "An Independent Life". Pavel Nazarov is just wonderful.

Page Last Modified: 29th June 2019
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 8308
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